Sunday, October 21, 2007

Burning Plain - Michael Nava

Source: The Burning Plain

Role: a well-written book

Contact: Michael Nava, SF novelists

Notes: another protagonist, Henry Rios, who is literate, makes literary reference throughout the novel, specifically to Dante, Emily Dickenson, and others. I think the title of the novel also refers to Dante's Inferno. The protag. is also a gay, Mexican, LA lawyer, how much more contemporary California is that! The plot involves the LAPD and the Hollywood studio system, and makes many pop culture references w/o being self-conscience. The the first 1/3 of the book involves some mild gay sex scenes, but the on the last 10 pages a young, gay boy is brutally raped. I could not teach this book because of that.

Action: I read the whole novel in two, obsessed days and nights!

Leads: I'd still like to read one more of Nava's books to see if there may be less sex, more suitable to an academic analysis.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?